The Ron Paul Money Bomb is a weekly donation drive. Everyone is welcome. The idea is to enlist the entire Ron Paul support community to donate weekly - spending a minimum of $25, each and every week, to ensure that Ron Paul has money flowing into the campaign between the Mass donation drives.
Ron Paul needs money NOW before the primaries. Sign up and make history.
The Ron Paul Money Bomb will begin our weekly donation drives again in two weeks. Until then, we must abide by what the campaign needs. What they need right now is cash. We must be flexible to the needs of the campaign or all will be lost.
I don't know how this will impact the RudysReadingList, TeaParty07, or the weekly RonPAUlMoneyBomb events. We must keep our eyes on the prize. That would be providing Ron Paul with what he needs. Nothing else matters.
Again, I recommend you read the newsletter from Jonathan Bydlak, Fundraising Director for Ron Paul 2008.
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