Jonathan Bean, David T. Beito, Nelson Borelli, Joe Michael Cobb, Keith Halderman, David R. Henderson, Lester Hunt, Nets Katz, Peter G. Klein, Karen Kwiatkowski, Mark LeBar, George Long, William Marina, Charles W. Nuckolls, Ivan Pongracic, Jr., Ralph Raico, D. Eric Schansberg, Ken Schoolland, Aeon J. Skoble, W. William Woolsey, James Yohe.
Americans have lost faith in politicians, and for good reasons. Taxes, spending, and the national debt continue to rise, special interest bribes riddle the Congress, courts, and executive branch, and our schools are in shambles. Yet our government continues to wage a ceaseless assault on the American people's rights to make their own choices. It has done so through the USA Patriot Act, the REAL ID Act, the War on Drugs, McCain-Feingold, and countless other initiatives. The endless and inept foreign policy of interventionism of the establishment politicians has put our country in grave danger not only of a destructive war with Iran but a new financial crisis.
The 2008 election thus comes at a critical time in the history of the United States and the world.
We endorse Ron Paul for president because we believe he is the candidate best able to solve these profound problems. We come from a broad and diverse range of academic fields and specialties. We unite under the banner of liberty and are proud to announce our support for Ron Paul.
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